How taxing!

Recently there was a cut in GST on sanitary pads, and that caught my interest. Even after a fair amount of research on the subject of GST my understanding of it remains about as clear as mud. In the world of art, the Mona Lisa is the most discussed work because of the subject’s mysterious smile. So is the case with GST. It’s an enigma wrapped in a riddle.

I thought it might be interesting to illustrate some real life experiences of the domino  effects of GST.

Recently in a restaurant:


Seriously, have the prices of sanitary pads fallen that much?

Or look at fruit vendors. Mine actually thought artificially ripening was a value addition and made no bones about it.


Even your dog is not exempt. GST taxes even poor Buddy.


Everyone wants a cut in GST. If it’s a good idea on sanitary pads, why not on batting pads? They also bleed……..bleed blue.



The term GST has worked its way into common parlance to such an extent that no one, from a common vegetable seller to the Big Man upstairs is spared.


Please share your GST experiences here. I would be happy to illustrate and publish them.